Monday, June 14, 2021

FAIRY TALES explained by Hans Wilhelm

This is a good one. Another great book to work well with this video is the Laws of Enchantment - enjoy!


  1. This video was really cool to watch because fairy tells are something that most people can relate to all the way back to their childhood. It was interesting how he explained the dynamic of how all fairy tails are put together because it made me realize that although they all have different stories and characters they are trying to portray a very similar message in all of them.

  2. Working at a bookstore and seeing all of the classic fairy tales stories lined up in a display, it always peaked my interest because I was always so fascinated by them as a child but seeing all of them lined up made me realize that although there are so many different fairy tales out there, they all kinda fit into similar themes and troupes that mean the same thing. This makes me think about how every culture or native land has their own stories and folklore that share similar messages.
