a)" As the "Ouadjit" it was a form of measurement. It is comprised of six hieroglyphs, each representing a different fraction. The sum of the hieroglyphs is 63/64. The absolute is unobtainable. This concept is related in the myth of Osiris. After he is cut up into fourteen pieces by his jealous brother Set, Osiris' sister/wife Isis can only find thirteen pieces of his dismembered body. The phallus remains lost for ever. Osiris was considered to be the Absolute, the First God. He was perfection. Others can only aim for the absolute, they will never achieve it. |
- from: http://ancientegypt.hypermart.net/freemasonry/index.htm |
I love the message behind this. I'm a huge fan of ancient Egypt and the Egyptian practices and beliefs from long ago. This post was a great reminder of my love for it and that you can never be truly perfect - and that's okay!